Top Dog and Baby Names? of 2014

The results are in and we have the comparison you have all been biting your nails over. The top 100 dog and baby names are in and we are here to tell you that dogs really are furry children. At least that is what the comparison of the names tell us. What did you name your new puppy baby last year?


Tops Dog Names:

Top Baby Names:

1. Bella (# 97 Baby Name)

1. Sophie (# 10 Dog Name)

2. Bailey (# 72 Baby Name)

2. Emma (# 21 Dog Name)

3. Max

3. Olivia

4. Lucy (# 54 Baby Name)

4. Ava

5. Molly

5. Isabella

6. Charlie (# 66 Baby Name)

6.Mia (# 28 Dog Name)

7. Daisy

7. Zoe (# 11 Dog Name/ #30 with ‘y’)

8. Buddy

8. Lily (# 18 Dog Name)

9. Maggie

9. Emily

10. Sophie (# 1 Baby Name)

10. Madelyn


What did you name your new puppy baby last year? Send us a photo along with their name to