Our weekly breed spotlight on a type of dog that we love There are two types of Welsh Corgi breeds: Pembroke and Cardigan Cardigan Welsh Corgis are larger of the two breeds, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are more common Corgis .
Chicken Feet, what? Believe it or not, dogs love them and they’re good for pups as well! A benefit of Chicken Feet? They have natural glucosamine that will help with your dog’s joints. Have your pups tried our Chicken .
There are many awesome small businesses where you can pick up a bag of our Barley Bones treats, so we are starting our Small Shop of the Week feature so you can find out more about these shops and .
As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, it’s important to remember what foods can and cannot be given to our canine friends when eating the delicious meal. Go Ahead Stop! Don’t! Carrots Cooked Bones .