Unleash Success! How to Easily Train Your Puppy to Pee Outside

Maltipu pooping on the floor. Toilet training a puppy.

Potty training a puppy.

Do you  need help potty training your puppy? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Potty training your puppy doesn’t have to be a complicated process. It just takes a little patience and consistency. With the right supplies and training routine, it is possible to teach your puppy to pee outside. Read on to learn how to easily train your puppy to pee outside.


Puppy potty training can be a daunting task. But with the right approach and supplies, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Instead, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your pup. Whether you use puppy pads, a litter box, or outdoor potty training, the goal is the same: to get your puppy to pee and poop where you want them to.

The key to successful potty training is consistency. You need to be consistent with the supplies you use and the routines you set. Try to stick to the same potty training routine every day and be patient with your pup. It may take some time and effort, but the end result will be worth it.

What Supplies You’ll Need for Puppy Potty Training

Before you start potty training, you’ll need to gather the right supplies. First, you’ll need dog treats and a clicker (or any reward system that works for you and your pup). You’ll also need puppy pads or newspaper to absorb the mess and to help your pup learn where they should pee. If you’re planning on potty training outdoors, you’ll need some outdoor supplies such as a leash, a harness, and a long line.

Setting Up a Puppy Potty Training Schedule

Once you have the supplies ready, it’s time to set up a potty training schedule for your pup. This will help your pup learn when and where they should pee. Start by setting up a regular meal and potty schedule. Feed your pup at the same times every day and take them outside to pee every two hours. If you’re using puppy pads or newspaper, place them in an easily accessible spot where your pup can find them.

Establishing Potty Training Routines

Setting up a routine is essential for successful potty training. Whenever you take your pup outside to pee, always use the same command words and the same reward system. For example, you can say “Go pee” and then give them a treat when they do. This will help your pup learn what’s expected of them.

Tips for Training Your Puppy to Go Outside

Now that you’ve set up a potty training schedule and established a routine, it’s time to start training your pup to pee outside. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Take your pup outside first thing in the morning and after each meal.
  • Always take them to the same spot in the yard to pee.
  • Wait for your pup to start sniffing around before giving them the command to pee.
  • Praise them and give them a treat when they go in the right spot.
  • Always take them out on a leash and supervise them while they’re outside.

How to Manage Potty Training Accidents

Accidents are inevitable when potty training a puppy. But it’s important to remember to remain calm and not scold your pup. Instead, clean up the mess using an enzymatic cleaner to get rid of the smell. This will help prevent your pup from returning to the same spot to pee.

How to Reward Your Puppy for Good Potty Habits

Rewarding your pup for good potty habits is key to successful potty training. Every time your pup pees or poops in the right spot, give them a treat or a pat on the head. This will help reinforce the behavior and make it easier for them to remember where they should go.

Other Considerations When Potty Training Your Puppy

When potty training your puppy, there are a few other things to consider. First, make sure to keep your pup on a regular schedule. This will help them learn when it’s time to go outside. Also, make sure to clean up accidents quickly and thoroughly. This will help prevent your pup from returning to the same spot to pee.


Potty training your puppy doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With the right supplies and a consistent training routine, it’s possible to teach your pup to pee outside. Just remember to stay patient and consistent, and be sure to reward your pup for good potty habits. With a little patience and effort, you can easily train your puppy to pee outside.

By following the tips in this article, you can easily train your pup to pee outside and unleash success!

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